🔪Kill Count
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Each non-vegan kills tens of thousands of animals, needlessly, in their lifetime. The upper estimate of total ongoing killings in worldwide animal agriculture is 2.497 trillion every year. Land animals killed/year = 69.4 billion [2013] Wild fish killed/year = 0.97 to 2.7 trillion [1999 - 2007] Wild fish killed/year = 0.79 to 2.3 trillion [2007 - 2016] Captive fish killed/year = 38 to 128 billion [2011] - FAO, United Nations https://considerveganism.com/counter/ http://fishcount.org.uk/fish-count-estimates-2 http://thevegancalculator.com/#calculator An upper estimate of the total human deaths from all wars, all conflicts, in all of history, is 2 billion. We kill that number of animals in animal agriculture every 7 hours. 2 billion/2,497.4 billion = 0.0008 years to kill the same number of animals as humans *365.25 = 0.29 days to kill the same number *24 h/day = 7.02 hours to kill the same number Studies have shown that "a diet that includes animal products will result in more animal deaths than a plant-based diet with the same number of calories"
https://web.archive.org/web/20191130194351/https://www.animalvisuals.org/projects/data/1mc https://animalvisuals.org/docs/animalvisuals_1millioncalories3.pdf