🍼Rape Racks
Mammals, such as humans or cattle alike, produce milk to feed their young when they are pregnant or have recently given birth. Therefore, in order to exploit animals for their milk meant for their babies, they must become pregnant. Natural breeding is uncommon in animal agriculture. Instead, the industry (89% of dairy farms in the US) opts for this process: - Restrain a bull in a "rape rack"/"cattle crush" - Shove an entire forearm into the rectum of a bull for evaluation. He will struggle against this - Insert an electroprobe dildo into the bull's rectum to masturbate them to ejaculation - Collect the semen, store it, and sell it to dairy farms - Restrain a cow in a "rape rack"/"cattle crush" - Shove an entire forearm into the rectum of a cow to hold her vagina in place. She will struggle against this - Insert a long metal pipette through her vagina and into her cervix - Wait 9 months for her baby to develop - 1-3 days after birth, steal her baby. She will pine (moo) for her baby, sometimes for months - If the baby calf is male, kill the calf. Only a few males are needed for breeding, and cattle raised specifically for beef are a different breed - A year later, do this whole process again - Repeat this cycle until the cow's body becomes worn out and her "productivity" drops, then murder her. She will be about 6-years-old when you murder her, despite her having a lifespan of 20 years To describe this practice, a common euphemism is artificial insemination (AI), but objectively speaking it is rape. Pure semantics support this as well: Rape, v, 1 "to force someone to have sex when they are unwilling, using violence or threatening behaviour" --Cambridge Dictionary https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/rape Putting one's entire arm into someone's asshole to hold their reproductive organs in place while they insert a long metal pipette into their vagina with the express goal of pregnancy, unconsensually, is obviously rape. The term "rape rack" was phased out due to the meat industry's concerns of public perception. They now use "cattle crush". https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/rape_rack https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/cattle_crush
"The highest percentage of operations (89.3 percent) used AI for breeding." https://www.aphis.usda.gov/animal_health/nahms/dairy/downloads/dairy14/Dairy14_dr_PartIII.pdf The dairy industry makes up half of the beef industry. Once cows' bodies are destroyed from constant impregnation, they are murdered - usually at about 6-years-old despite having a lifespan of 20 years. "- In 1998, 2.5 billion pounds of cull cow beef was produced in the U.S. with nearly half of that amount from cull dairy cows. - From DHIA records, the most common reasons for culling cows are reproductive failure and mastitis." http://livestocktrail.illinois.edu/dairynet/paperdisplay.cfm?contentid=354
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