๐ŸฃKilled Young

It is often argued that exploitation and slaughter is fine because the animals lived long, happy lives before being killed. However, this is almost never the case. Most animals in animal agriculture are killed when they're basically babies. Even if the animals did live long and happy lives, this would make killing them even worse because they would value their lives even more when they're needlessly taken away from them. Below is a chart which converts the age at which the animals are usually killed, into a fraction of their lifespan, and then into what that fraction would be for a human lifespan, assuming the average human lifespan of 80 years.

AnimalAge KilledIn Human TimeLifespanRecord Age

Cattle for beef

1 year

4 years

20 years

Cattle for veal

16 weeks

1.2 years

20 years

Cattle, males in dairy

1 day

4 days

20 years

Cattle, females in dairy

4 years

16 years

20 years


6 months

2.6 years

15 years

Chickens, broilers

6 weeks

1.1 years

8 years

22 years

Chickens, males in the egg-industry

1 day

10 days

8 years

22 years

Chickens, female egg-layers

1 year

10 years

8 years

22 years


17 weeks

2.6 years

10 years


7 weeks

8 months

15 years

Sheep, lambs

3 months

1.6 years

12 years

Sheep, for wool

5.5 years

37 years

12 years

Sources on world record ages: Chickens https://spca.bc.ca/programs-services/farm-animal-programs/farm-animal-production/broiler-chickens/ https://ask.usda.gov/s/article/How-old-are-chickens-used-for-meat

Last updated