
Ants pass the mirror test, which even dogs can't do. So not only are ants sentient, they are self-aware. They are also obviously social creatures which demonstrates significant intelligence.

"when the ants were presented with a mirror, the blue-painted ants took notice. The blue-marked ants attempted to clean themselves after looking in the mirror while ants with brown dots did not" http://www.storagetwo.com/blog/2016/1/self-awareness-the-animals-that-know-themselves

"Set in front of a mirror, ants with such a blue dot on their clypeus tried to clean themselves, while ants with a brown painted dot ‒ of the same color as that of their cuticle ‒ on their clypeus and ants with a blue dot on their occiput did not clean themselves" https://www.scinapse.io/papers/2180773430

"Ginsburg & Jablonka (2019, p. 351) attribute sentience to vertebrates, cephalopods, arthropods (insects and crustaceans) and possibly some annelids (worms). Godfrey‐Smith (2016) has also defended an inclusive view, writing that ‘the world is fuller, more replete with experience, than many people have countenanced’ (2020, p. 279)" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9285591/

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