The idea that drinking milk builds strong bones comes from an ad campaign by the dairy industry and is not actually supported scientifically.
"Cohort studies show sometimes there is an increased risk of bone fracture [with drinking cow's milk], or at best there is no correlation" "[Cow's milk] comes with saturated fat, cholesterol, bovine growth factors and IGF, etc. It has a huge environmental impact and is the cruelest industry to animals (cows raped multiple times, abused, then killed). Choose plant based milk!" - Dr. Faraz Harsini https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30909722/
Milk can cause osteoporosis (yes, CAUSE osteoporosis - people who drink milk have HIGHER rates of hip fractures), prostate cancer (34% increased risk from drinking milk), breast cancer (64% increases risk), advanced ovarian aging (due to the hormones in cows' milk), and generally speaking increases mortality risk.
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